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Firth Photobank Logo

About Us

>Firth Photobank is a stock photography agency founded by Photographer Bob Firth and located in Carver, MN.  With over two million images available, Firth Photobank is an invaluable resource for anyone in need of photos for publication or décor.

>Our fine art, museum-quality prints can be used to enhance interior spaces of corporate, hospitality, healthcare, education, government buildings, or one's home.

>Advertising and editorial industry professionals, project managers, interior designers, and art collectors: if you have a specific need, please contact us and we will execute a search for exactly what you are looking for.

>For more information about photographer Bob Firth, please go to the "Biography" page and click on "Profile for Bob Firth". You can also view the "Covers" web page to see some of Bob's published works.




All images on this website are copyrighted by Bob Firth.
Any copying, usage and/or distribution is strictly prohibited. Use or reproductions that are unauthorized will result in a fee three times the fair-market value for authorized use and could result in a copyright infringement lawsuit.

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Sunset on the Mississippi River in Crow Wing State Park MN crop DSC08643
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Storm on Sawbill Lake BWCAW 0001
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Fall Trees MN 0005
motion , river , snow , sun

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